Saturday, October 19, 2013

One Week Old

So Eli had to go back on the CPAP this morning. His O2 saturation was dipping into the the low 80's too often and was having periods of time where he required stimulation from the nurse to get him to start breathing properly again. So once he got back on the CPAP the number of episodes he had went wayyy down. He spent all day basically sleeping. The amount of work he had to do breathing on his own took a lot out of him.  He is definitely more alert and spunky than yesterday, they say he should be back to his spunky self in a day or two. What they are probably going to do is cycle him between the CPAP and the nasal canula. So start by spending most of the time on the CPAP with a few hours of the nasal canula. They also tried to start a central line today. He still has the umbilical venous (UV) line in but this is a risk for infection. They want to have all umbilical lines out by day 10 at the latest. Because Eli is still on TPN for his nutrition, the central line needs to be put in before they can take the umbilical line out. They tried today but his vein collapsed during the procedure and the policy is one try per day, as too not agitate the baby too much. Hopefully we can get that placed tomorrow because as soon as that is in and the UV is out we can do skin to skin contact and can hold him longer. Though he got an hour cuddle time with each of us today so that's pretty good. Digestion is still up and down, so we'll see what tomorrow brings. He's spending the night with Omie tonight. The census is really low in the NICU right now so the nurse he has only has him for a patient. Talk about getting great care!  Jon's back to work tomorrow.  Thanks for all your prayers and keep praying for our lil guy!  Here's some pics, I might be biased but he's pretty much the cutest thing ever....How blessed are we :)


  1. Hey Andrea!

    Congratulations on your baby boy! Connie told me about you and your baby and showed me your blog. I love following baby Eli's progress. Please know of my thoughts and prayers for you and your family during this time.

    Steph W.

  2. I agree. He really is the cutest thing ever. With the exception of that picture of the proud daddy!! :-)

    Praying for you all. Xoxo - the ente's
