Monday, April 14, 2014

6 Months- 14 Weeks Adjusted

WE ARE FREE!!!!!!! Mr. Baby is on the move and hasn't stopped!! So good to be out and about. So lets start with the stats as always. Theses numbers are from April 4th so add about 10 oz and maybe a quarter of an inch as a rough estimate of what he is today. 14 lbs 9oz and 24 inches long! We have come a longggg way!

He's so alert, taking every new place in. Lots of smiles lots of cooing. Loves to play in his gym. Loves getting kisses. Loves music. Doesn't love tummy time but it tolerating it a little more. Doesn't love to nap.

Last week he finally got to meet his Uncle David and Auntie Ursula. We went to Brooklyn to go out to celebrate David's graduation.

Then the next day was Eli's first trip to church. He did really well.  I think I was more overwhelmed by all the people wanting to see him (AHH GERMS!!!) than he was. Yes the only picture I got of him from his first day of church was right after he puked and i didn't notice anddd Abby is totally photobombing it...

We've also started solid foods. So that's pretty fun

Last week was a pretty big week for him. He met his Great-Gram and Great Auntie, he spent 3 nights up at Omie and Grandpas, he went to Gramma and Grampys, had a chiropractor appointment, and attended a bridal shower

playing the piano with Gramma

Being held by his Great- Gram

Friday Auntie Kiwi came over and we did his 6 month photo had an Easter theme

had to sneak a Chippy pic in there..he was very interested in Eli

Saturday was Kiwi's shower and we had a lovely time.....

All in all everything is going great, we are really enjoying our new found freedom. Next week we are jet setting to Florida. We can't wait!!