Tuesday, May 13, 2014

7 Months!

Ah Can you believe it?? Mr Baby is 7 months. STOPPPPPP I want him to be a baby foreverrrrrrr!!!!!

We have been pretty busy this last month. First of all was Eli's first Easter. We went to Omie's church and then had brunch with the whole family. Of course we did a baby Easter egg hunt first

Notice how the boys are matching. That bow tie, made by Gramma!

He's had enough pictures taken of him

A few days after Easter, we hopped a plane down to Florida. He did so well on the flight, no major melt downs at all. Pretty much a pro at flying now!

 In Florida, we went to Gainesville, home of a bunch of Eli's relatives, we stayed with Eli's Great Grandfather

 And of course had to check out the University of Florida...well check out for me and Eli, everyone else had been there a few times....

 Eli and Great Grammy

Gainsville is soo nice, we really enjoyed our time there. One really cool thing was that all of Jon's aunts, uncles and cousins from Gramma's side of the family all got together. It was soo fun! We wish Grandmother was there (if you all remember, she passed away while the baby was still in the NICU) but rejoice in the fact that she's with Jesus. 

Easter egg hunt tradition!

After a few days in Gainesville, we were off to the beach. Ormond Beach. To visit Pastor Keith and Nancy and all the peeps at NPBC.  It was really cool to take Eli there, because that was where Jon and I met. We had such a wonderful time and are so thankful that Keith and Nancy let us stay at their house. It was sooo good to see them!

Wasn't a fan of the beach or the cold water.....

After a few days there. We finished our week long vacay with a trip to Sea World!

Im hot and tired.....

family seaworld selfie....

So here we are at 7 months. He was 16 lbs 3 oz 25inches 2 weeks ago. He loves to eat and is very interested in watching other people eat. Loves music and his bath. Is getting even more vocal. Favorite thing to say is dadadadaaa. And he has found his toes.  Lots of stuff coming up in the next couple months, were very excited for Uncle Fish and Kiwi's wedding and seeing lots of relatives from my side in July! And ending with a few pics from today.....