Tuesday, August 19, 2014

9 and 10 months!

Oh my gosh summer is almost over and I haven't blogged!!!! That's because we have been super busy over the last few months. Also my computer screen has broken so all my pictures are kinda plaid looking, making editing very difficult. This is gonna be a long post..making up for lost time...He weighs over 20 lbs. His favorite thing to do is eat, the only thing he doesn't like so far is avocados. Just started eating puffs and is trying to feed himself. Loves peek a boo. Is seconds away from crawling. Is very ticklish. Loves puppys. Says bob bob dadada mmmmmm and nine nine. Loves his bath, splashes so much I end up almost as wet as him.....

Such a happy smiley boy. We love to hear him laugh.

So what are we up to....
Oma came mid June for a month and Mr. Baby got to spend a lot of time with her.

We had Omie's suprise party.

Then my birthday party and we took the baby to 4th of July fireworks in Fairfield. He didn't cry once.

Then was Uncle Fish and Auntie Kiwi's wedding. We had a blast. Mr Baby rocked at tux. Unfortunately we need to wait for the professional pics for any of that because I was too busy doing my MOH duties to take a pic.

Here are the 9 month pics I took...He's wearing his daddy's baby clothes

We got to spend time with our out of town family. It was soo fun for us all to be in one place at once!

After the wedding. Omie, Oma, Eli and I went up to Maine. We spent a few days walking on the Marginal Way, outlet shopping, swimming in the pool, and eating yummy food. We had a blast

So we've been trying to get out of the house as much as possible. We've been going hiking at Tarrywhile Park. Eli goes in his hiking backpack and gives Jon an extra workout. The longest hike we've been on is an hour and half and he has no problem with it. He loves to look around and occasionally takes a snooze.

He's spent some time hanging out at Candlewood Lake. He loves sitting in the water splashing.

Our church has been doing afternoons in the park in Newtown. We love it!                                                                                                                        

Here are the 10 months pics

So hopefully I will get a new monitor for my computer so I can get more caught up on my pics. We have a busy fall coming up too! Can't believe he will be one in two months!!!!