Tuesday, March 11, 2014

5 Months- 10 Weeks Adjusted

So here we are again with another update on Eli. He weighs 13lbs 1oz 23.6 inches...thats 10 lbs up from birth!

So Eli has been spending his time hanging out with his grandparents. He's just waiting a few more weeks until we he can get out and about. He's very excited to get to church, meet his great grandparents, his Uncle David and Auntie Ursula, and go on his first airplane trip to Florida.

He still loves to play in his gym and bath time. He's starting to smile and talk even more. However, if you put him down or basically sit still with him, he is the least happy baby ever. Omie addressed this with his pedi last week at his check up it went something like this....

Omie: He just constantly wants to be held
Dr: I don't blame him, so do I

Overall he's looking great according to his dr and OT. OT even changed him from visits every other week to once a month. He's been getting monthly vaccines to help protect him from RSV until cold and flu season is over. He most likely had his last one last week :) We are waiting to see if insurance will cover one next month. If they do, great, if not the doctor isn't worried.

have you ever seen a cuter butt

Last weekend Eli got to finally meet his Auntie Laura.  His Auntie Robi came down too AND Kiwi was there as well. It was a big Auntie day for Eli

We're still working on the whole sleep thing. But for the last two nights he's been sleeping in his bassinet, so we're getting there. All in all, we're good...just really sleepy

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