This month has been pretty low key. The big thing is Mr. Baby has been working on the whole crawling thing and he is basically a pro now. He is everywhere and he is fast. There's no stopping him now. I litterally break out into a sweat every time I get him dressed or change his diaper, he just wants to go go go. However my favorite thing of this month is hearing him say "mama" "mommom" "maam" FINALLY!! It's not all about the dadada. He also is starting to give kisses, when he feels like it. Big drooly, open mouth kisses. They are the best.
We've spent a lot of time outside. Either at the park or hiking. He loves to look around and take it all in. He really loves watching the kids play at the park and checking all the sites while riding on dadada's back. He really enjoys making raspberries in his dad's ear for a good portion of the hike.
For his 11 Month photo shoot, we went on location to Tarrywhile Park here in Danbury. It's where we go hiking. It is beautiful
We are looking forward to the fall and the adventure we have planned for next month
Until next time !
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