So I tried to nurse him and instead of sucking on what he was supposed to, he decided his thumb would be a better option. So that was kinda frustrating. When Omie n I went to church, Grampa stayed at the hospital to hold the fort down. He got about three hours of cuddle time with the lil guy. Not bad!
It was great to be at church, but we had to leave a little early to get back for bath time and another feeding attempt. This was his second bath of his entire life! He loved it!!! And now he's not stinky anymore.
Grampy and Gramma came to visit and each had some cuddle time. He was so tired out from his bath that when it was time to try out his 6p bottle he wouldn't even wake up. He did end up taking a little over half a bottle at midnight last night. He's weighing 4 lbs 14.8 oz... so close to 5lbs!!
This morning when I came in, I was told that his red blood cell count was pretty low. His Hct was 23 and we want at least 30. So probably explains why he's not doing very well and getting tired soo quickly with the oral feedings also why he is desating as much as he is. Its nothing abnormal, we were told when he had his first transfusion that he would probably need another one before he left. His labs show that he is growing new red blood cells, he's just growing faster than he can make them, so he needs a little boost. The cool thing is that he can use the same donor blood he had last time. When you get blood you are at risk for a transfusion reaction, which is basically the body rejecting the donor blood, its pretty serious. Seeing as he already has had this blood before, we know that he tolerates it just fine. The nurse still comes in and assesses on him very frequently. So for the next 3 hours its 26cc's of blood and the same deal tomorrow. Hopefully it will give him what he needs to get us over this last hurdle and out the door. Thanks for all the prayers, his IV went in on the first try, he barely even cried. The nurses were soo surprised it went in so easily, she said she was prepared to have to get the doctor in to do it. If you remember from a few weeks back the boo boo on his head is from an IV because they couldn't find any usable veins anywhere except there. God is good!
This last picture is of Jon, the day he came home from the hospital...Remind you of anyone we know?
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