Wednesday, February 12, 2014

4 Months...6 1/2 Weeks Adjusted

Can you believe it? 4 months already. Wow..time is going by soo quickly! Two more months and we can break him out of his quarantine so he can meet his adoring fans!!

So lets start with the stats: 10 lbs 4 oz and 21 inches long
Likes: being cuddled, eating, BATH TIME, getting his head rubbed, playing with his keys, listening to music
Dislikes: tummy time (though we are getting better at it), diaper changes, being put down, getting out of the bath, when daddy sneezes and scares him, being read to
*For awhile we were pretty sure that he didn't like anything fun, he hated his play mat, but now he's really starting to love that

Developmentally he is supposed to be at 6 weeks, his adjusted age. He has found his hands and loves to chew on them, he wiggles his legs all around, he's starting to coo, holding his head up pretty well, turning it side to side (he prefers his right side, we're working on it), starting to swat at toys and faces, grabbing a little, AND smiling!! Getting more and more smiles, they are absolutely the best.  So overall he's doing great. We go to OT once a week and she says he looks so good!  Praise God that he is doing so, so well. We are soo blessed!

Sleeping wise, were getting there. He'll sleep for a  4-5 1/2 hours stretch before getting up to eat. During the day he likes to nap for about 10 mins at a time, especially if you try to put him down.

We are all looking forward to him sleeping through the night
Since I've last blogged, I went back to work. It's super hard to leave him but comforting to know he's being taking such good care of by his Omie and Gramma. Jonathan has been working A LOT. Lot's of overtime, but we got a chance to go out on a date for the first time since the baby was born last weekend, which was fun. We also went bridesmaid dress shopping for Auntie Kiwi and Uncle Fish's wedding in July. Just picture this lil guy in a baby tux :) :)

So the cleft in his chin comes from his great great grandpa Kelley.  Great-Gram solved the mystery on that one!

Don't have much more to say just trying to break the pictures up......

 i dont even care that I caught him in a cross eyed moment..i love this pic

Ok well thats enough...we're going to spend the rest of the afternoon watching the Olympics and playing. I'll leave you with this