Saturday, November 30, 2013

Second Thanksgiving

So yesterday we had Thanksgiving/Jon's birthday. Everyone was there, both families. We had lots of good food and a good time! Mr. Baby is doing good, his orders have changed to he can get a bottle or nurse anytime he is awake. Doing a lot better with the nursing, we're getting there. Besides that he's doing fine, 5lbs 7oz. Just waiting to get the feeding down pat....
Robin and Laura came down to visit today, we went to Cheesecake Factory for lunch and they brought us some tastyy food. Soo good to see them, can't wait for them to meet Eli.

One of the nurses draws these for each holiday

The tiny mircales foundation gave the babies these bibs and a hat (he was too big for it)

Pumpkin Woopie Pies made by Gramma

 Uncle Fish

grandparents scrubbing 

Pick me up!

Textbook tonic neck or fencing reflex 

Turkey butt


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