Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday Sunday Sunday

We've have had another great day. Daddy stayed over night with Eli. Omie, Grampa and I showed up in the morning. The goal of the day for me was to rest more, which I did. Eli and I got couddle time from noon til 3. He's getting 6 ccs of milk every three hours now. He even pooped on his own! Gramma and Grampy came for a visit this afternoon. Eli was so happy to see them and is missing both sets of grandparents now that they are back home. He weighs 3 lbs 4 oz now! He has graduated for being feisty to having a full blown temper, he lets you know in no uncertain terms when he is not a happy camper. His blood culture that they took yesterday morning so far is negative. It needs to remain negative for 48 hours before it is officially negative, but so far so good. Tomorow he will get the central line put back in as long as the culture remains negative. Good night everyone, thank you for all your prayers.  Anddd here is what he's doing right at this exact moment. 

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