Friday, December 6, 2013


Thursday Eli got his eyes and ears checked. The boy can here, we already knew that but its still good to be reassured

This is what it looked like, he slept through the whole thing. His eyes look good as well, still some immaturity but he is only 37 weeks gestation. He will follow up with a pediatric optometrist in three weeks. ROP (retinopathy of prematurity) is something that is very concerning for preemies. Basically having too much oxygen or apnea can cause disorganized growth of blood vessels of the retina. This can lead to scarring and retinal detachment. It can cause blindness. Back in the day,  they would flood the isolettes with oxygen instead of using a nasal canual which caused wayy to much oxygen and led to blindness. This is how Stevie Wonder became blind (he was a preemie).  Anyways he hasn't been on much oxygen at all during his whole stay so he's looking good so far.

All the tests really tired the boys out.......

Today has been great. He drank all of his bottles so far..Anxious to see how he does over night. Weighing in at 6lbs 1oz

Got our Christmas tree set up. Tomorrow is my baby shower with my church family. Very excited for that!!

Every Christmas Jon's Grandmother would give him a Lennox Christmas ornament. He has quite the collection. This is one of my favorites

Jon's mom (Gramma) made our tree skirt and stockings. She embroidered the nativity on the skirt. I love it, it is so beautiful. Will put pictures of the rest of it later


 Can't wait for Eli's stocking!

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