Tuesday, November 12, 2013

One Month!!!

Mr. Baby is one month old today!! Ahh can you believe it!?!?! He had his ultrasound of his head yesterday, it was negative, no bleeds. Tried to breastfeed yesterday and he pretended like he had no idea what was going on. Silly guy! 
Today I didn't feel well, had a little bit of a sore throat. So I had to stay out of the hospital, just in case I'm getting sick. I feel about the same, maybe a little better. No stuffy nose, no cough. So I think I'll be good tomorrow. So I spent the day in bed sleeping (and pumping) and doing some online shopping. Christmas is coming, Eli needs to be all decked out for the holidays! Yes, I will probably blog about Eli's holiday wardrobe :)
 So Eli and daddy spent the day together. Daddy held him for 6 hours, which is probably more than he's held him since he was born combined. I'm kind of a baby hog. He weighs 3lbs 14oz. Doing good overall. Will have a consult with plastics sometime this week for the boo boo on his head. 
Just for some perspective...

1 week

2 weeks

3 weeks

1 month!!

 love this pic

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